The Inauguration of the Club.

The inauguration ceremony of Beyond Imaginative Optimistic Nifty Island Club (BIONIC) was held on Friday 09 September 2022. Chief guest for the ceremony was Sh Atoll President Mohamed Shiyam. Along with him, Sh Atoll Commander Ibrahim Waheed attended the ceremony. The ceremony started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by club member Adam Solih.…


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The inauguration ceremony of Beyond Imaginative Optimistic Nifty Island Club (BIONIC) was held on Friday 09 September 2022. Chief guest for the ceremony was Sh Atoll President Mohamed Shiyam. Along with him, Sh Atoll Commander Ibrahim Waheed attended the ceremony. The ceremony started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by club member Adam Solih.

Addressing the gathering chief guest spoke about the importance of clubs and NGOs in the development of societies. He also highlighted the programmes atoll council conducted to strengthen the clubs.

Cheaf guest Mohamed Shiyam Address the gathering. – Bionic Media

The ceremony was concluded with a vote of thanks by club president Ubaidhulla Mohamed. He highlighted the future events planned for the youths. Bionic will be in front line in all the activities that benifit the community he added.

Bionic President addressing the gathering. – Bionic Media

In this ceremony Bionic officially unvailed its logo, Flag and membership card.

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